martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Poemas Orientales


La otra vida
Mírame, estoy
como un lachón en tierra.
Aquí soy feliz.

La esperanza
Las nubes negras...
se marchan por el horizonte...
el sol vuelve...

2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for the extra...anyway TOLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....ORIENTALES... CRUCERO.... Watch out the spelling mistakes!!! Concerning the haiku contents... I personally like the second one more that the first... The first involves a judgement...and kaikus are judgement-free.... as to the second maybe it´s too obvious... there must be more ellipsis and innuendo!!!! Pictures are fab!!!

  2. What kind of people generate WAR?????WHAT IS BEHIND THAT????
